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jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Romantic vs Baroque

I was thinking about a problem that I had this week with a person. I was looking for a objective term to.

Today I've learned something very interesting in my History of Art class. I'm a Romantic and that person is Barroque. I'll explain it:
  • The romantic is passioned, interested in the society problems, someone who feels the reality on a special form, focused and realist.
  • The baroque is overdone, overwritten, overacted, pending issues of little relevance and a little superficial. Sounds bad... I know.
These two styles of painting are different. Nobody told that is wrong,although I'm not talking about painting, right?

I think, and it's clear that I love to be the Romantic one because this world is a twist of disasters and the people need somebody that make their lives better.

The progress is in Romantics, not on Baroques.

Romantic: Caspar David Friedrich "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog"

Baroque: Michelangelo Caravaggio "Ruhe auf der Flucht"

I love both styles,but my philosophy is in keeping with the naturalism, expressionism and romanticism.

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